Friday, January 11, 2013

"On my camera card" and "Fifty of Fifty" - a new gallery and a new project

Starting from today there is a new gallery in my photographic website. The name of the gallery is "On my camera card" and it can be accessed from the navigation bar.

What's inside?
"On my camera card" gallery there are my latest shots. The images I am actually working with, uploaded directly from the camera to the web site without any post-processing. All the adjustments are only per camera setting.
The uploading comes from a wi-fi SD cards plugged into the camera and therefore the images on the gallery will be uploaded just few minutes after the actual shot, representing in fact the latest photographic works, day by day.

The image that opens this new gallery is a B&W frame shot yesterday (10th of January 2013) at home - picture below. For this shot I used an old 50 mm f/1.4 Zuiko OM lens mounted on the Olympus E-5.
The beautiful aurora of glowing light around the subject - in this case my life partner - is created by using the well known Michael Orton technique, which basically consist in blending two or more images of the same composition; one in focus and the others out of focus.
This can be achieved on the Olympus E-5 digital camera, without additional post-processing software, by overlapping two or more consecutive shots.

The 50mm Zuiko OM lens I used in this shot is also the subject and the common thread of a personal photographic project that hopefully I will publish (soon or later) in this website.
The project - "Fifty of Fifty" - consists in 50 images shots with 50mm OM Zuiko lens mounted on Olympus E-5 body.
It represents a study on photographic composition. The idea is limiting some creative possibilities, such as the use of different focal lengths and colors in order to force other composition skills and open the mind to different original creative solutions.

The f/1.4 50mm OM Zuiko lens is a natural choice for the project, for many reasons. The 50 mm focal lengths do not provide any magnification of the subjects; what your eyes can see without camera does not change through a 50mm lens, which in turn is an advantage in the mental process of composition.
It is small and it has a lightweight construction; hence it can be easily carried everywhere.
It has a large aperture (f/1.4), allowing to work well in low light conditions and to have very narrow DoF.
There is no zoom and this make the 50mm lens more physical because it is necessary to move far or close to the subject depending on the aim of the actual composition.
The focus of the 50mm OM Zuiko lens is only manual. This can be a disadvantage in some circumstances, especially in the situation where a fast focusing is necessary. Nevertheless this is part of the game.
Hopefully I will come back early with some previews of the project.

Bis bald!

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