Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Post

Here we are. A selection of organized photos are in plane sight on the new homepage, the html codes for the blog are finally tamed and a lot passion for photography is a perfect fuel for the engine that brought me in this adventure.
I am still looking around trying to become confident with the new environment and I suddenly realize that I am already working on my first post.
What's the next? This thought has been bouncing in my mind since the begin of this photographic project. Anyway, in that time I was more busy in selecting some decent pictures within the tens of thousands RAWs stored in my hard-disk, find the way to set up the web sites, spending lovely time with my family and of course doing also some business to pay my bills. So, until know the question "What's next ?" was time to time coming in the surface of my mind, but very quick was covered by other priorities.

Well, now I cannot escape. I need an answer for my bouncing question. What's next?
To do that I decided to simply and honestly look in my inner self to find the reason why I wanted to start this blog, hoping that there I could also find the reason to go on and an inspiration for the next step. 
I thought about that over the night, I was full of doubts but finally everything was for me clear. The reason why I wanted to start this blog is to give the opportunity to the images I have been shooting since several years to tell their own story.
Why is it so important? Because inside the story of images there is our story, our emotions, our dreams. Simply our life.
This is why I start this project and this should be the leitmotiv of the future topics for this blog.
At the moment I have in mind just a couple of idea for the next posts. I will try to include interesting stories, nice pictures but also technical stuff that can be helpful to others photographs, especially for beginners.
I will include also some technical stuff related to Olympus camera (E-5, E-3) and flashes (FL50R), as I am quite confident with that. Nevertheless, there is no pretense to give the right solution for each technical issue, this can be found in the photographic books and manuals, rather I will write about my personal experience, on what it was good for me in that particular case and in that specific moment.
I really hope you will enjoy to read about photography and surroundings in this blog.

Before close this first post, I would like to spend few words on the photo posted here.
I shot it in Liguria region - Italy - on the street that leads to the "Fasce" mountain. In that time I was living not so far from there.You can have a lot of fun with the motorbike in such a kind of streets; it is a continuous succession of curves with up and down.
A first time I went there few days before the shot and it was for some tests on an equipment for soil resistivity measurements, related to my former job.
Because of the nice environment and good weather I went there by motorbike, an Harley 883, that I parked along the road, beside the area where I planned to test my equipment.
I moved twenty meters away in the meadow, I looked back at my motorbike and I realized that a very good image was in front of my eyes, without any plan,  ready to be shot. Unfortunately I had no the camera with me in that time, so I decided to use the mobile for taking a draft picture.
After few days, I looked again in my mobile and was really cool: the motorbike, the road and the empty sky as witness. Yes, a good portrait for the novel by Jack Kerouac "On the Road".
The day after I was again in the same place with my old camera and I took the shot I posted here.
I loved so much this photo that I decided to participate to a contest where I was asked to provide twenty pictures covering a free choice theme. Immediately I thought about the theme: the Road.
Very soon I discovered that the selected theme would require to spend a lot of time on the Road to collect 20 good pictures. So that, due to the short time to enter the concourse I was not really satisfied of the collected portfolio.
Despite this disappointment, I continue to love this shot. 

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